Act on STEM – Your Feedback

Have you used this resource in your school?

I would be grateful if you would please complete the anonymous and very short, ACT ON STEM evaluation questionnaire via this link, by the 18th December.

We have distributed the ACT ON STEM resource booklets free to over 300 Primary Schools in North Wales in November 2016 as well as promotional messages by GwE, Dysg and appearance on the TV programme HENO, and it is available on the HWB resources site.

ACT ON STEM is the first bilingual STEM resource for Years 5-6 of its kind in Wales. It brings employer and industry messages into the classroom and highlights STEM skills needed in the region and promotes the future of our local economy amongst pupils aged 10-11.

The North Wales Economic Ambition Board, in its role as the Regional Skills Partnership, is very grateful for your full cooperation in our efforts to promote key messages from employers in relation to STEM skills and the opportunities young people have to work bilingually in vibrant and growth sectors in North Wales.

You are very welcome to contact me for further information and discussion.

Thank you very much for completing the survey.

Ffion Jones

Senior Researcher North Wales Economic Ambition Board | Uwch Ymchwilydd Bwrdd Uchelgais Economaidd Gogledd Cymru
Direct Number | Rhif Uniongyrchol:
 02920 84 6311
Mobile | Symudol: 07825 358408

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