Amongst this year’s Erasmus+ submissions in north Wales there were applications from more than 50 members of staff in GwE schools to do CPD in different countries in the EU through KA1 applications (submitted at the end of January 2019), two fully working KA202 projects involving seven schools in Gwynedd and Denbighshire (teacher and/or pupil exchange) and five schools (Gwynedd, Conwy, Flintshire) successfully linked with schools in Finland, Belgium, Spain and Romania through ISL, who supported their KA229 applications (teacher and/or pupil exchange). Altogether a successful year in the north, and we’re now waiting to know the result of these applications (summer term, 2019)!
Articles in the north Wales press: (about our international project Digital Competency in Action)
News item on Romanian TV: (about our international project Digital Competency in Action)
Emily Daly and International School Linking Cymru success, press release by the British Council:
This week Ysgol Bro Lleu and Ysgol Treferthyr are travelling to Denmark to continue with their Project-Based Learning.