The digital competency framework in Wales is important because it sets out a clear and structured approach to developing digital skills and competencies for students across all age ranges and subject areas. The framework is designed to ensure that young people are prepared for life in a digital age and have the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in a rapidly changing digital world.
Computational thinking is a key component of the digital competency framework, and it refers to the ability to think logically, break down complex problems into smaller parts, and use algorithms and programming to solve them. Developing computational thinking skills is important because it helps young people to develop problem-solving skills that are essential for success in many fields, including science, engineering, and technology (STEM).
In addition to computational thinking, the digital competency framework in Wales also emphasizes the development of other important digital skills, such as communication, collaboration, and digital literacy. These skills are essential for success in many areas of life, including education, employment, and social interaction.
By integrating digital skills and competencies into the curriculum and providing students with the opportunity to develop these skills throughout their education, the digital competency framework in Wales is helping to prepare young people for the digital age and ensure that they have the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in an increasingly digital world.
Meet the team

Hywel Roberts
Ymgynghorydd Dysgu Digidol – GwE
Digital Learning Advisor – GwE
Ffôn symudol / Mobile Phone: 07580617305
Ebost / Email : hywelroberts@gwegogledd.cymru

Gwion Llŷr Clarke
Arweinydd Digidol Strategol – GwE
Strategic Digital Lead – GwE
Ffôn symudol / Mobile Phone: 07900250790
Ebost / Email : gwionclarke@gwegogledd.cymru

Tomi Rowlands
Ymgynghorydd Cefnogi Gwelliant – Digidol
Supporting Improvement Advisor – Digital
Ffôn symudol / Mobile Phone: 07771503930
Ebost / Email : TomiRowlands@gwegogledd.cymru